Friday, April 3, 2009


Remember those walls I built
Well baby they're tumbling down
They didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I found my angel now

It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breaking
It's the risk that I'm taking
I'm not ever gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see you halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo, halo, halo
I can see your halo, halo, halo
I can feel your halo, halo, halo
I can see your halo, halo, halo

It hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
So pull me back to the ground again

Feels like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breaking
It's the risk that I'm taking
I'm never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo, halo, halo
I can see your halo, halo, halo
I can feel your halo, halo, halo
I can see your halo, halo, halo
I can feel your halo, halo, halo
I can see your halo, halo, halo
Halo, halo.

Friday, March 27, 2009


You know, this may be a completely random blog; but I felt the need to talk about this.

I hate it when people tell me they're disappointed in me. There is no level of guilt that exceeds 'disappointed'. It a horrid curse, that you carry around with you for the rest of your days, until you burn in hell, you fucking sinner! 

Ok, yeah, I kind of got out of control there. :P Um... so... what the fuck am I going on about? I'm gonna go now. Bye.

Dear Megan

Dear Megan, this is a letter to you to remind you of how awesome we are.
Did you know that we've only known each other for like four months?
It feels like fucking forever. I wish we had have met each other earlier, because you are so fucking funny. Honest to God, I rarely meet people who I fall in love with straight away... and you are awesome enough to be one of those people.

You are a minder, a maggot, and a moo-cow. I am a nigga nun. The ratio works out quite nicely, I think. You are the stupid and smelly in the relationship and I'm the sex and the brains. It's perfect!

So... I don't know about you, but I think that we (especially me) are the most awesome team in the world. What would civilization do without us? When we die, I suppose everyone will just commit suicide or something. I mean, what really is the point of living if you and I are dead? There is no reason.

Megan, I love you. You are awesome and far too cool for school.

But please, have a shower.       :D

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Honey Story

I did the stupidest thing EVER two nights ago.

I was lying on my bed, watching a pleasant episode of The O.C. I thought to myself, 'I feel peckish'. So i got up and snuck out of my room to the kitchen. My mum was locking up the house and stuff coz she was getting ready for bed. I got to the cupboard and there was absolutely nothing there that I wanted! Occasionally if I feel really hungry at night I'll eat a few teaspoons of peanut butter. It sounds stupid, but for some reason it stops the oncoming starvation.

So I looked deep within the pantry, searching desperately for something, anything to indulge in. And then I found it. A brand new jar of honey. Now, I don't usually like honey very much but for some reason I felt like it at the time. So I took the jar and got back on my bed in my room until I heard my brother yell from nextdoor. I jumped off my bed and walked into his room. He was standing on his bed and yelling about a spider. I was telling him that he was an idiot (even though secretly I'm terrified of spiders too). My mum came in and was too freaked out to kill the thing aswell. So we chased it into the basket and dumped it in the bathroom and closed the door.

All was well... for now. Lol. I went back to my bedroom and cracked open the new jar of honey, savouring that sweet smell. And then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move. I quickly spun around letting my grip slacken on the honey jar, but not dropping it. I scanned the wall for maybe 20 seconds and then went to resume my viewing of The O.C. But the honey was pouring out of the lopsided jar in my hand out onto my carpeted floor. This was a BIG jar of honey.

I shat myself. I freaked. I went to pick up the jar and spilt it all over myself. Up my arms and everything. Then I found the courage to look over the top of my bed to see the damage. Luckily most of it spilled onto a conveniently placed thong. But there was still a good 200grams on the floor. I was running around frantically trying to think of what to do and having to hide it from my mother who was still wandering the house at the same time. I had many bottles of water in my room which was lucky. I used them with tissues to help clean the honey off my floor. All in all it took me over half an hour to clean up the entire mess. And when I went to dump the tissues that were soaked in honey in the toilet, I flushed them down, and the toilet began to flood.

And then I waited for it to sink but it wouldn't. So I ran back to my room and grabbed the honey-soaked thong. I walked in the direction of the bathroom so I could clean it under the sink until I remembered... the spider was in the bathroom. I had to clean that fucking thong while there was the huge spider in a basket right at my feet.

After that nothing happened. I put the honey back and my mother never found out. I went and sat down in my bedroom and I thought, 'I'm still hungry'.
So I went and got the peanut butter...

Monday, March 2, 2009

My Favourite Sayings

i was thinking today at school about all of my favourite sayings, because i am full of them.
so i wanted to kind of put it all down on paper (or so to speak).
i don't have any particular favourites, but i think they are all really important and share my personal beliefs.
i know it's lame but i put them in alphabetical order... :P

'a smile is a light in the window of your face to show that your heart is at home'

'a cheat believes that everyone cheats'

'a dream is a reality that is yet to materialize'

'a friend tells you what you want to hear, but a best friend will tell you the truth'

'a true friend will remember you for the good times and the bad times and love you for both'

'always aim for the moon; even if you miss, you'll still be among the stars'

'character is what you do when nobody else is looking'


'don't explain. your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe it'


'every end has a new beginning'

'everyone deserves to be loved'

'fall seven times, get up eight'

'friendship is the foundation on which true love is built'


i cannot stress this enough, for this particular saying is the very core of who i am as a person...

'L I F E I S W H A T Y O U M A K E I T'

thank you for reading. xx.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hi Sam :) 2

Lol, that sounds fun. 

I'll be there as soon as you've read this.


Hi Sam :)

XD You are on the other side of the room with Emily and Bonnie.

Hi.     :)

Still Trying...

My efforts have still been valiant. I am still on my way to top grades...
I am just so proud, lol. I actually finished a summative assignment today within two hours of receiving it; we were given a whole week.

I know it is lame, but hey, this year I really have to make up for ten years of fucking around. Love nanny, xx.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Detentions With Benefits

I have never ever worked this hard at school before. It's murder. I hate it. 
For once I'm actually attentive in all my lessons and I've been doing all of my work and my homework. This is probably what everybody else does, but hey, I'm really not used to it.

Last year, I believe that I received a total of something like 27 detentions. So as you can imagine, I am straining myself a little more than usual. Supervised Study, a subject that all Year 11s attend, is by far the most boring and unhelpful class of all time. As I like to call them: Detentions with Benefits.

But I have promised myself, friends and family that I would work harder in my senior years, as that was my plan all along. I know I can do it, and will, but the idea of keeping at this pace for two whole years is rather daunting.

Lunch bell just rang, must go... Love all you kiddies... xx.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Blank Moments

There are many things that you learn about yourself over the years. You experience things that let you discover certain qualities about yourself, you see things that urge you to delve deeper into the mystery of life and who you are and why you're here. 

You have nights when all you do is lie on your bed and think. The unravelling of who you are is a long and draining time. I have gone through it. It's amazing how much can be hiding in your own head that secretly you've known all along... it was just never brought to your attention. You lie there for so long, just thinking, that you develop slots of time where your mind is blank. You've forgotten where you were and what you were doing at that certain time. All you know is that you've been lying there in self-reflection... trying desperately to understand why things are that way.

I've had to work things over in my head so many times now that I consider myself a near professional. Having to work through your feelings is something that can take some people there whole life... imagine never truly knowing everything about yourself...

I, like you, am still discovering new things about myself (personality wise) all the time. It's just incredible how much is safe there in your sub-conscious. 

I've blabbed enough, time to go home... love all you kiddies. xx. 

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The New Year

Well, I am quite happy to announce that I have stuck to my New Year Promise and I will continue to pursue that goal throughout the rest of this year.

I had an absolutely smashing NYE, which I spent with Frances. We went to one of her friends, Nicole's house where there was going to be a party. There was only around six people there but nevertheless it was a great night. We got severely indisposed (especially me) and i successfully managed to make a complete fool of myself.
I believe that by three in the morning it took me ten minutes to string one sentence together, Nicole told me.

So yes, it was quite interesting, and the folllowing morning was rather painful. I woke up and the first thought in my head was "how the hell did I end up with so many pillows?"

I went home early because I felt like crap and the need to sleep and rest my intensely sore body was almost overwhelming. But I had a fantastic night, and I am extremely happy that 2009 is here.

It's not like I wasn't enjoying 2008, but a New Year always makes me feel fresh, like it's a brand new start. It wipes the slate clean.
This year I'm a Year 11, which in my opinion is fantastic, because it's one year closer to the end of this horrid ordeal that they call education. And finally I get to wear the Senior uniforms, which I've spent a full three years longing for.

I think I've rambled enough now, and so, Happy New Year everyone and I'll see you all later.