Monday, December 1, 2008

Chris Crocker

Fuck me dead, this guy is fucking hilarious. I love him!
But I don't know what you guys thin about him, because half the people who've seen him really don't like him but I think he's funny as all fuck...

If you don't know who I'm talking about, here's a hint: leave britney alone...
Yeah, that guy! Well, he has heaps of other videos which are just as funny and I really suggest you check out his vids.
Just search 'Chris Crocker' on youtube and it will come up with a list of his complete videos. They're really good.

You may do as I suggest, and go and check him out, and then wonder how the hell I could like such a freak? Well, the answer is that I like him because he's loud and proud and funny as fuck.

So, go off and watch some videos with an open mind. Caution: Do not search Chris Crocker while in a cynical or pessimistic mood, this means no Chris Crocker for you Harry. Haha...


Toivoa ja Elämän said...

yeah not a fan ;P

Anonymous said...

Ewww...sorry, like Laryissa, not a fan.
Really not a fan.